Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Birth of the Unknown

This is the beginning. I have no idea where to start, where to look or what to expect. Here is what I do know; our family is going to grow and it will grow through adoption. After reading the book Radical by David Platt and many long discussions, we have decided with excitement that our nine children will have yet more siblings. Oh Lord, thank you. This is truly the desire of my have a house brimming with thriving children.

Who is this child?

What is their name?

What do they look like?

You are out there and we will fight to the end for you. Our family's name is yours. Lord, please make it abundantly clear who this (these) child (children) is (are).

Rachel, my four year old, has been asking on a daily basis when I was going to have another baby. We had been trying and had been successful twice only to have both the pregnancies end in miscarriage. The last miscarriage was of twins. There isn't enough blog space to fill it with the grief I felt. Any woman reading this, who has gone through it, knows exactly of what I speak. All this to say that I responded to my four year old that Mommy and Daddy have decided to adopt. She had no clue as to what this meant. I explained that Mommy would not be pregnant anymore and that we were going to take in a child that had no Mommy and Daddy. We would become their new Mommy and Daddy. She just sat there. Did she understand? After about a minute she said "But that baby would be from God's tummy right?" And I said.....


Hence, the name of this brand new blog "From God's Tummy".

Any person who has found the time to read this...thank you. We have no idea what we are doing. We are intimidated, overwhelmed and excited about all that needs to be done. Will you pray for us? We are going to need to depend on this. This leading is only from our Precious Lord himself.

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