WARNING: If you don't like to see butt cracks or amniotic fluid, do not look at these pictures.....these photos would not be for you. :)
On the morning of March 10th, my labor started. And I remember looking at our baby's future bed thinking that it would be filled soon with a squiggly new life.......our child.
As labor progressed, the midwife checked often for a good heart rate. Everything looked and sounded great. The contractions were far and few between but oh, so strong.

My water has broken.....finally. I start to have urges to push. My "squeeze team" swoop down time after time to deliver comfort that I don't think I could have lived without. To even look at this picture brings tears to my eyes as I realize how good the Lord has been to provide such friends. They were God's hands on this day. They were amazing......
I am nearing transition and it is now March 11th....later in the day. I have watched movies, heard and told bad jokes, tried different laboring positions, been in and out of the birthing tub and was wondering how much longer I would have to wait to see my baby. It has already been over 24 hours and I am exhausted. I have rested very little but my friends and midwife keep me encouraged.
My water has broken.....finally. I start to have urges to push. My "squeeze team" swoop down time after time to deliver comfort that I don't think I could have lived without. To even look at this picture brings tears to my eyes as I realize how good the Lord has been to provide such friends. They were God's hands on this day. They were amazing......